
As a student social studies, history and geography had always been my preferred, areas of study as it allows for an in-depth exploration of past and current civilizations and the effects which human development have made towards civilization.  As a twenty first century individual it is our responsibility to become actively aware of our effects towards past and contemporary society for it allows us to become aware of the consequences which come from over using or neglecting natural resources.  Throughout my academic career I recall been given the opportunity to study texts which aimed to deconstruct and educate readers on numerous historical events, focusing on the effects of human interaction. After observing several social studies lessons during my placement as well reviewing the curriculum document and posted video I have come to the conclusion that there has been significant changes to the curriculum, specifically on engaging student interest in various areas of study. The twenty first century student is no longer gaining their information solely from texts but instead  through critical thought, inquiry and questioning of knowledge. The curriculum strays away from the once “accepted” way of teaching to incorporate the new, more modern practice of instruction to accommodate and satisfy the various types of learners. Inquiry based learning becomes the primary technique for instruction as it strays away from verbal instruction allowing for greater exploration of self thought and understanding. In my opinion as a contemporary educator we must encourage students to engage in what interests them as it increases their likelihood academic success. I feel that the changes in the curriculum will aid in the development of knowledge and adoration towards social studies as it allows for self exploration in comparison to verbal instruction.  The modifications to the curriculum works to inspire interest self growth which aids in the development of student knowledge. 

In the TedTalk the speaker James Kendra explores the idea of developing "The Content Free Classroom" as he believes social studies to be the most important subject of study students examine but no when emphasis is on facts and dates. He encourages educators to help inspire and cultivate student interest by deconstructing connections between the present and past in order to better understand contemporary society. 

Teachers become one of the most influential figures of power within an academics life as they are the ones they spend a majority of their days. As a result educators must be willing to be the most supportive, and empathetic caregiver in order to nurture a students psychological and educational needs. Educators become responsible for feeding academics interest and passion for knowledge therefore they must continually adapt their method of instruction to provide the most prosperous learning environment.  Throughout my academic journey social studies had always been one of my preferred areas of study as I had the opportunity to study and deconstruct Canadian societies past and future.  My personal goal and vision is to ensure I ignite the same passion I have for social studies in my students.  Without knowledge of our past, we, as a society would not be able to grow. Educators must aid students in coming to the realization of the importance and influence social studies plays in their overall educational and mental development.   

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